Hello, Teacher ! ^0^ I'm here to ask a question today. My question is something about an interrogative sentence. [ I have wondered this question since my childhood.;_; ]
¡Ú Examples ¡Ú 1) Did you have lunch ? ( rising tone ) 2) Where do you live ? (rising tone ) 3) Isn't it? ( rising tone ) 4) are you fine ? ( rising tone)
I don't know whether these sentenses' last accent is high or low. I mean I always speak these sentenses' last tone with a risng tone but I heard many foreigners speak with falling tone.
So, I'd like you to tell me right thing. For example, 4) are you fine ? (¡è) <- like this~!
( I'm sorry Beau, I can't use the arrow sign so I just wrote it in words.)
+ I updated the picture (not mine;) about my part-time I want to boast it to you ...because you encouraged me very well T_T I appreciate it. I love you. kkk