Hello Si-yun,
Thanks for the homework piece, let's discuss it further later:)
Here are some corrections:
How is your personality reflected through the kinds of activities you enjoy? I have many hobbies. Mainly, I like to play sports games and to play Korean traditional music.
Because of having a sports game 5times a week I can have healthy body and healthy mental.
> Because of playing sports five times a week, I can have a healthy body and mind.
I practice Korean traditional instruments once or twice a week so I can continue my relationship with friends.
> :)
Those are helpful for my life. > These are the things that are helpful in my life.
QUESTION>>> I understand but what does it say about your personality?
How do you see yourself in five years?
I believe that I will have improved your company sales, so I will have got good business skills.
> I believe that I will have had improved your comapny sales, and I would have hoaned my good business skills.
I will still be making efforts. Because I have higher goal.
QUESTION: How about your social life? where would it be in five years? And what is your higher goal?
Teacher Nea:) |