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   제 목   Super El-Niño    상 태  
   작성자   gdragon82    등록일   2015-11-25
   내 용

The weather in Korea has been getting colder and colder.

>>> Good Sentence!

It’s the start of winter season.

>>> Good Sentence!

However, the weather is quite unusual compared to the previous years.

Usually, it’s quite dry during autumn season but it rained  more frequently. OR

>>> It's usually quite dry in autumn but it rained more frequently.

Also, the temperature gap is wide.

There are warm days but there are cold days.

According to the weather news, it is because of the El Nino phenomenon.

Actually, El Nino is not a very rare metrological phenomenon.

>>> Good Sentence!

However, it's worse this year, Super El-Nino.

So, terrible natural disasters would be frequent  this year.

Some regions had severe drought, but other regions will suffer from flood.

In the case of Korea (In Korea's case), it would be snowing more frequently and heavier.

It has been difficult to predict weather.

>>> Good Sentence!

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